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Programmer Analyst - Bahia Software

First job as software engineer

My career started in a local software consultancy company, based in Santiago de Compostela. With the main customers being large public entities and some Galician large companies, the experience was very useful to know the best practices of working in regulated environments, with strict contractual agreements.

I took part in many J2EE-based projects, helping in early phases on analysis with R&D proposals, and participated in its design and development, specially in early stages of the projects. I helped also open a new line of business for the company, with the development of content management systems, based on Drupal.

Helped with some internal projects developed to be reused as applications framework and implemented many technologies to improve the productivity of the software development processes (such as modernizing the version control system, from CVS to Mercurial).

During my stay at Bahía Software I also completed my Master in Project Management in the University of Santiago, where I used one of the projects that I participated in as a case study for my graduation project.