Senior Mobile Apps Developer (iOS & Android)
Mobile Apps Developer - The Mobile Company
First job abroad
By 2015 I was looking for a life change - and this was accompanied by a professional “reinvention”. After years growing Zadia together with my co-founder and partner, I exited the venture with the aim of starting afresh in a new location, new culture, and discover new ways of working.
After an evaluation of potential locations where to relocate to, I chose Amsterdam as a city, and The Mobile Company as my company. There I worked with an excellent group of professionals, highly specialised in native, high quality mobile application development for some of the largest apps in the Netherlands.
At TMC I developed innovative new apps (ie: using Bluetooth BLE beacons technology, which in 2015 was an emerging technology) and also maintained apps with a large and complex codebase and numerous users, among top Dutch apps. I helped tackling complex problems and long-standing bugs, and participated in an agile teams that included the client.